Sommerzeit ist Urlaubszeit

Hinweis: Im Juli/August und September kommt es bei der Auftragsbearbeitung, Fertigung und Auslieferung zu Verzögerungen.

Bitte beachten Sie dies bei Ihren Bestellungen. Wir wünschen einen erholsamen Sommer.

As a specialist in exhaust systems, high-quality and attractive welding work is our daily business. If you have components or assemblies for welding that require special requirements, then we are a good partner.

Our specialty is welding thin-walled sheets and pipes made of stainless steel and titanium.

TIG welding work

The longitudinal welding of conical, square or round jackets up to a length of 660mm is possible with a special longitudinal welding machine.

All pipe connections are formed during welding. As a verified and certified company with motivated employees, orders are approached and processed professionally.

Send us the appropriate planning documents or samples and we will make you a concrete offer.

Note: We process smaller orders exclusively based on effort. No offers will be made for this.

After consultation, you can also send us stapled parts.

Insights into our work
Our Products & Services at a Glance